Rock, Reggae & Jam

Introducing Stonefellow: A Journey Through Sonic Landscapes

Born from a serendipitous reunion, Stonefellow is a musical endeavor that transcends time and space. The band’s genesis can be traced back seven years when songwriter David Evans and lead guitarist Bo Phoenix first crossed paths. However, it wasn’t until the scorching July of 2023, amidst one of the hottest months in recorded history, that their cosmic synergy found its ultimate expression, giving birth to Stonefellow.

With David at the helm as the songwriter and Bo igniting the sonic tapestry with his captivating lead guitar, Stonefellow crafts a live sound that conjures the free-spirited essence reminiscent of the Grateful Dead and the intricate explorations akin to Phish. Their performances are more than just concerts; they are immersive journeys where the audience becomes an integral part of the sonic narrative. From engaging, thought-provoking lyrics to extended live jams that seem to suspend time itself, Stonefellow casts a spell that lingers long after the last note fades.

Rooted in their deep camaraderie, Stonefellow’s music embodies the essence of reconnection. Their three albums, eagerly anticipated for release, showcase their signature blend of original compositions and reinvented covers, all infused with their distinctive sonic signature. A Stonefellow live show, lasting an awe-inspiring three hours, is a testament to their boundless passion and dedication to their craft. As they navigate a musical landscape as vast and unpredictable as the elements that brought them back together, Stonefellow invites you to join them on an odyssey through sound, time, and the very heart of musical exploration.

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